Give Me the Wisdom to Know What Must be Done
God, Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can,…
Welcome! Sharing in the power of recovery is important to the Level Up team. Our blog is designed to explore the addiction recovery experience and many related areas. Education, encouragement, ideas, compassionate understanding, new holistic treatments and personal experiences—you’ll find them all here in our new blog!
Those in recovery and their families are an important focus here. Some may find this blog seeking help and guidance. We’re here for you, too. Recovery from an addiction means that there are moving stories to share as well. We know that rebalancing the body, mind and spirit is challenging. Each person deserves a life free from addictions. Your comments and thoughts are welcome, so please share them! You may be providing just the words someone needs to hear, at just the right moment.
God, Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can,…
In recovery, we learn to take a serious look at ourselves… One time, back in my drinking and using days,…
Are you concerned you are addicted to a substance and need to enter a drug treatment program? The use and…