Opioid and Opiate Detox

Opioid addiction treatment begins with with opioid detox. Learn more about every step of the process at We Level Up Lake Worth FL treatment center.

Heroin, oxycodone, hydrocodone, fentanyl, and other opioids have one thing in common—they can ruin a life quickly. They result in severe addiction, which harms health, destroys relationships, and takes control over a person.

If your loved one is using any of these substances, you should explore how our opioid and opiate detox Florida center can help. Once in our center, we will do everything for your loved one to get their health and life back. We Level Up Lake Worth FL expert staff provides medical care and also gives you the emotional support you need to get your loved one to battle their addiction.

Opioid and Opiate Detox Florida banner image

What Are Opioids?

Opioids are a class of drugs people make using substances in poppy plant seeds. They stand out as very powerful drugs. Opioids can manage pain, which is why people widely use them in health care. They can manage moderate, severe, and often chronic pain.

The unfortunate reality of these drugs is that people use them for their sedative effects. They give you a euphoric feeling. This is troubling because what starts a desire to seek new experiences or cope with depression can quickly become dependence. Whether legal or illegal, opioids are controversial. They are a cause of an ongoing crisis across the country.

There were 81,806 opioid-involved overdose deaths in 2022, as we learn from the data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There are huge efforts in many states to address this issue. Still, opiates are responsible for more deaths than any other medicine or drug. The New York Times reports that opiates are responsible for more deaths than any other medicine or drug.

Early intervention is very important. We encourage you to get support from our opioid detox center immediately.

A person talking to their loved one about our opioid and opioid detox Florida center
Motivate your loved one to get help from our opioid and opiate detox Florida center.

What Makes Opioids Addictive?

No matter what the substance is, ongoing use can lead to the development of a physical dependency. When this occurs, the body has become so used to a substance that it often requires it to function. Psychological cravings usually follow shortly thereafter, resulting in what is known as full-blown addiction.

In the case of opioids, the risk of developing an addiction is significantly higher due to parts of the brain that are stimulated by opioid use. Opioids activate our mu-receptors, which influence the sensations of both pain and pleasure. Feelings of pleasure are closely related to reward pathways in the brain, and once triggered, create a strong association that can quickly lead to the development of compulsive behaviors. Opioids are able to do this on a powerful level that can be up to 10 times stronger than the feelings of pleasure our bodies would normally produce. Opioid highs have been described as a “wave of euphoria” and can be so powerful as to rewire the brain, leaving it wanting more, after a single use.

White pills on a yellow background
Opioid detox is the start of treatment.

Addiction to Prescription Opioids

If you or a loved one was prescribed an opioid pain killer such as codeine, oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, tramadol, or fentanyl, you should be aware that these are highly addictive substances. It does not take long to start to develop a dependence on them. If you notice any of the following in regards to your or a loved one’s use of a prescription opioid, you should contact our opiate detox Florida center for help. The signs include:

  • Taking larger doses or more frequent doses in order to feel the same effects
  • Inability to stop or control use
  • Cravings for the substance
  • Failure at work, school, or home obligations due to substance use
  • Continued use despite issues in your personal or work life
  • Withdrawal from normal activities
  • Continued use despite mental or physical health concerns
  • Withdrawal symptoms

Addiction to Illicit Opioids

In many cases, when an addiction to prescription opioid painkillers is not caught and treated early, it leads to risky behaviors and even the use of illicitly made opioid drugs, such as heroin. Social pressure and the use of other illicit drugs can also lead to the abuse of illicit opioids. Some signs of severe opioid addiction or the use of illicitly made opioids include:

  • Withdrawal from normal activities
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia (mental spoon, glass pipe, syringe, lighter or candle and matches).
  • Going to multiple doctors to receive prescriptions
  • Going to pharmacies around town to fill prescriptions

Types of Opioids

Some prescription drugs are used in a medical setting to manage severe pain. Others are illicitly made and abused. The most common opioids are:

  1. Heroin
  2. Fentanyl
  3. Oxycodone
  4. Hydrocodone


Heroin is derived from morphine, a natural substance obtained from the seed pod of the poppy plant. You can see it as a white or brown powder, usually.

This illicit opioid brings users a strong rush of euphoria. After that, a person feels relaxed and drowsy. Also, their breathing and heart rate slow down.

heroin addiction words on a picture of a syringe
Heroin is one of the most used illicit drugs.

Is using heroin dangerous? Yes, very much. It is potent and might lead to overdose. An additional risk related to heroin is that it may be mixed with unknown additives. Using this illegal drug leads to physical dependence, liver or kidney diseases, and lung complications, among other health issues.


Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. It is prescribed for severe pain, often for cancer patients, and is available as lozenges, patches, and injectable forms. Illegally manufactured fentanyl is also sold and often mixed with other drugs like heroin or cocaine.

Fentanyl works by binding to the body’s opioid receptors, which are found in areas of the brain that control pain and emotions, leading to pain relief and euphoria.

The potency of fentanyl greatly increases the risk of overdose, especially when mixed with other substances. Overdose symptoms include severe drowsiness, slow or stopped breathing, and loss of consciousness, which can be fatal.

Dependency develops quickly, and withdrawal symptoms can be severe and include extreme cravings, sweating, chills, muscle pain, and anxiety.

Medical supervision at our opioid detox center will help your loved one stay safe and comfortable.

fentalyl addiction words on a black background
Dependance on fentanyl can develop very quickly.


Oxycodone is an opioid usually prescribed for treating moderate to severe pain. It is found in medications such as OxyContin, Percocet, and Percodan. It can be taken orally in pill form or as a liquid.

Oxycodone binds to opioid receptors and then it triggers the release of dopamine and reduces the perception of pain, which produces a feeling of euphoria and well-being.

Even when taken as prescribed, oxycodone has a high potential for addiction. Misuse can lead to overdose, characterized by slow or stopped breathing, and can result in death. Withdrawal symptoms include restlessness, muscle and bone pain, insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting, and cold flashes.

Ryan Zofay forming a circle and hugging friends.

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Hydrocodone is another prescription opioid used for pain relief and is often combined with acetaminophen in medications like Vicodin, Norco, and Lortab. It is available in tablet, capsule, and liquid forms.

Hydrocodone acts on the central nervous system to relieve pain and produce feelings of euphoria and sedation.

The risk of addiction is high, especially with long-term use. Combining hydrocodone with acetaminophen can lead to liver damage or failure if taken in large amounts. Withdrawal symptoms can include agitation, anxiety, muscle aches, increased tearing, insomnia, runny nose, sweating, and yawning. If you notice signs of addiction in yourself or a loved one, seek support from our opioid detox Florida center.

A doctor holding pills, which are to be given to patients at an opioid and opiate detox Florida facility
We use different medications at our opioid and opiate detox Florida center.

Opioid Addiction Treatment Starts With Opioid Detox

Before anything, we examine your condition. We review your medical history, look at what substances you have used, and check your mental health. We gather enough information to create a personalized detox plan. When the substance is suddenly absent from the body, it responds with very unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that range from flu-like to potentially fatal. For this reason, it is recommended to slowly taper off opioid use rather than quitting cold turkey and ideally, with the supervision of medical professionals. Fortunately, there are several opioid antagonists that can be used to help beat opioid addiction at the more difficult stages.

The opiate and opioid detox process is emotionally challenging as well. That is why we include therapists and counselors: they will give you the support you need to move on and stay strong. Additionally, we will plan out your meals to make sure you get all the nutrition you need to feel better and be healthier.

When detox ends, you will be ready for the next phase of rehab in Lake Worth FL. Here, they will join therapy and learn how to live without using substances.

Medications We Use for Opiate and Opioid Detox

These medications can help mitigate opioid withdrawal effects or intervene in the instance of an opium overdose:

  1. Naloxone
  2. Buprenorphine
  3. Suboxone


Naloxone is the generic name of a drug that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. It works by attaching itself to the same receptors occupied by the harmful opioids and taking their place. By disrupting the connection between the harmful opioid and the receptor, the negative effects of an overdose can immediately be reversed. This can be life-saving, namely by restoring the ability to breathe.

Naloxone is available as an injectable liquid and as a nasal spray, with the most common brand names including Narcan and Evizo. This medication is only effective if administered when an overdose is occurring and cannot be used pre-emptively to prevent an opioid overdose. 


Buprenorphine is able to activate opioid receptors and relieve cravings without eliciting any surge of euphoria. Being an opioid itself, it is able to fulfill the receptors’ physical need to be stimulated but does so without generating feelings of euphoria (the main cause of addiction-forming behavior). 

What makes it even more useful is the limits of the effect this partial opioid can exert on these receptors. This ensures that no high can be achieved, effectively eliminating the likelihood of being abused, and also limits the effects of other opioids that are taken.

This medication functions similarly to methadone, another opioid antagonist that is commonly used to treat opioid dependence. However, methadone has recently fallen out of favor as a treatment for opioid addiction due to its potential for being habit-forming. As such, it has largely been replaced in favor of buprenorphine in addiction treatment settings.


Suboxone is a brand name drug composed of a combination of naloxone and buprenorphine that is used to treat opioid dependence, not just manage the symptoms. The buprenorphine component enables it to lessen any persisting opioid cravings—the primary side effect of opioid detox or withdrawal. 

The presence of naloxone allows Suboxone to take treatment a step further. Instead of reversing the symptoms of an overdose, naloxone acts as a deterrent to further opioid abuse. It does so by causing unpleasant withdrawal symptoms should Suboxone be used via injection (a typical administration method for drug abusers) instead of being taken orally as directed. This prevents Suboxone users from trading one addiction for another.

A person putting their head on their laptop during work, feeling frustrated
Failure at work might be a sign your loved one needs opioid detox and addiction treatment.

What To Expect During Opioid Detox

Very likely, you will face withdrawal symptoms during opioid detox. They include:

  • Nausea
  • Sweats and chills
  • Soreness and aching in muscles and bones
  • Sinus issues
  • Fatigue and loss of energy
  • Agitation and restlessness
  • Vomiting and diarrhea

The expert team at our opioid detox center in Lake Worth is here to help manage these symptoms.

What Influences Withdrawal Symptoms?

At our center for opioid detox in Florida, we have observed the following factors:

  • How long a person has been dependent on opiates
  • The type of opiate the person is dependent on
  • The frequency and severity of opiate abuse
  • Underlying medical conditions
  • The co-occurring existence of a psychological health issue
  • Highly stressful and unsupportive surroundings

The Withdrawal Timeline

Opioid drug withdrawal mostly adheres to a specific timeline, although the factors listed above may cause some variation. In general, the withdrawal symptoms typically peak within 48-72 hours and subside within a period of 5 to 10 days. The onset, duration, and intensity of withdrawal symptoms will be different for each person, but the general opiate withdrawal timeline includes the following:

  • 8-12 hours—Anxiety, agitation, watery eyes, runny nose, and increased sweating.
  • 12-24 hours—Nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, goosebumps, and dilated pupils.
  • 36-72 hours—Symptoms peak and then gradually subside over the next few days.

How Long Does Opioid Withdrawal Last?

The period and extent of withdrawal symptoms also depend on whether the opioid is long-acting or short-acting. Heroin is relatively short-acting compared to other opiates, therefore, heroin withdrawal symptoms appear just hours after the last dose and may last for a shorter time period. Longer-acting opioid painkillers may not provoke withdrawal symptoms till some days after the final dose, and some symptoms may last for weeks.

A doctor monitoring a patient's health during opioid detox
Doctors will monitor your loved one’s health during opioid detox.

Detox Facility vs Detox At Home

We have different treatment programs at our opioid detox Florida facility. They usually start with detoxification from the drug, followed by either inpatient treatment or some specified procedure of organized outpatient treatment (partial hospitalization or concentrated outpatient programs).

For a safe and efficient opioid and heroin detox in Florida, it is necessary to provide a steady and comfortable setting and provide opiate withdrawal support and medications. Opioid detox at a medically supervised facility minimizes the severity of the symptoms and make the withdrawal process significantly easier and more comfortable to endure.

Our facilities also offer multiple levels of treatment for an easy transition following the completion of an opiate detox program. Amenities at our opioid detox Florida center include semi-private rooms, luxurious bathrooms, spacious common areas for socializing, a communal dining area that is always stocked with nutritious snacks, and much more!

Opioid detox at home can be difficult and sometimes unproductive. Unaided withdrawal may not be life-threatening, but there is a major possibility that it will lead to relapse. When opioid substances such as oxycodone and heroin begin to leave the human blood system, the person begins to develop severe cravings for the substance. Strong cravings mixed with unpleasant flu-like symptoms can make it easy for someone going through withdrawal at home to give up and relapse before their recovery really gets on its way.

Without the medical and social assistance that an opioid detox clinic provides, it is tempting to stop withdrawing and resume using. In comparison to detoxifying at home, a medical detox clinic provides medications and treatment to lessen discomfort while also lowering the likelihood of relapse.

Medical Treatments for Opioid Addiction

Opiate and opioid detox medications include:

  • Buprenorphine—Prescribed to reduce the span of time it takes for opiate detoxification and assists an individual in upholding prolonged abstinence from opioids. The commonly used brand-name of this substance is Subutex. Following detox, Suboxone may be used for long-term medically assisted treatment. Suboxone is a drug that includes both buprenorphine and naloxone.
  • MethadoneSuboxone and methadone have similarities. However, Suboxone is often preferred for its lower risk of overdose and abuse, while methadone requires daily visits to a clinic for administration. Relieves and reduces the unpleasant impact of withdrawal symptoms. It is also used as long-term maintenance therapy for those addicted to opioids.
  • Naltrexone—Blocks the effects of opioids and may be used to induce withdrawal. It does not let the opioid intake affect the individual, therefore, it may also be used to avert future dependence and misuse.
  • Clonidine—This opioid detox medication diminishes the flu-like symptoms that come with opioid withdrawal, along with other withdrawal symptoms such as the anxiety and agitation most people experience.

Other medications may be used for symptoms such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, insomnia, anxiety, and depression.

Medical opioid detox helps smooth the withdrawal process, reduces side effects, prevents serious complications, and lessens opioid cravings. Overall, these medications offer a decent start towards recovery and help to maintain sobriety long-term. Detox has to be followed with counseling, education and awareness, family and individual therapy, and support groups that can aid an individual in their attempt to stop using drugs and continue sobriety.

Admission to Our Opioid Detox Florida Center

Once your loved one comes to our opioid detox Florida center in a peaceful beachside community in South Florida, they will start feeling better already. They can be here in 24 hours after your call. Here is the admission process:

First, call us. When you contact our center, you will be connected with an admissions coordinator who will conduct a 15-30 minute evaluation of your loved one’s medical, mental health, and substance abuse history. Having learned this, we will know how to best assist them.

Then we do a fast insurance check. We are one of the rehabs in Florida that accept Blue Cross Blue Shield. We work with a wide network of providers and often find that many insurances are compatible with our services.

If your loved one has insurance from a major provider and looking for rehabs in Florida that accept Cigna, their insurance will likely be accepted. However, if not, we explore other payment options. We will figure out the best way to solve the financial side of recovery.

After this, they get an admission coordinator. This person is dedicated to helping them and making sure all the treatment processes run smoothly.

What’s left is to arrange transportation if your loved one is coming out of town. We will welcome your loved one and start working together to help them create a new life. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for more information.

What to Expect From an Opioid Detox Center

Our center is here to help your loved one successfully complete the opioid detox process and to address psychological, physical, and spiritual issues connected to drug abuse. Qualified doctors, nurses, therapists, and addiction case managers will be with you throughout the recovery process to ensure you have the support you need.

Doctors oversee the opioid detox to sure it is safe and it works. They assess your loved one’s medical condition and check their health status. Also, they prescribe and manage medications to help them deal with the symptoms of withdrawal. If complications arise during detox, doctors will solve them.

Nurses administer medications that the doctors prescribe. They check your loved one’s heart rate, temperature, blood pressure, and everything they need to know you are fine. Also, they give them reassurance during the opioid detox process and address immediate medical concerns. They educate them about the process and prepare them for upcoming steps.

Therapists have one-on-one therapy sessions with your loved one. They talk openly and sincerely, in order to find the things that caused them to use substances. They lead group therapy sessions, too. They share all their knowledge to help them find healthy coping mechanisms and get ready for a drug-free life.

Case managers coordinate everything. All aspects of the treatment need to be aligned, and they are the ones who do this. They create treatment plans, take care of logistical issues and insurance, track progress, and make needed adjustments.

Help Your Loved One Start Their New Life Today

Opioid and opiate addiction is a serious condition, but recovery is possible. Detox is the first step, and having professional support can make a big difference. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, don’t wait. Reach out to We Level Up Lake Worth for help. Our experienced team is here to support you through every step of the detox and recovery process.

If you or a loved one is dealing with dependence or addiction to opioids, contact our treatment support at Level Up Lake Worth Fl to find the best treatment option for you. Call our opiate and opioid detox Florida center today at (855) 459-2880 to get started on your path to recovery. You don’t have to face this alone. We’re here to help.

Start a New Life

Begin with a free call to an addiction & behavioral health treatment advisor. Learn more about our dual-diagnosis programs. The We Level Up treatment center network delivers recovery programs that vary by each treatment facility. Call to learn more.

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National Institute on Drug Abuse (2024). Drug Overdose Death Rates. [online] National Institute on Drug Abuse. Available at: https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/trends-statistics/overdose-death-rates.

www.osc.ny.gov. (2022). Continuing Crisis: Drug Overdose Deaths in New York | Office of the New York State Comptroller. [online] Available at: https://www.osc.ny.gov/reports/continuing-crisis-drug-overdose-deaths-new-york.

Hotline (855) 459-2880