
We are addicts, we will crave


The road to addiction recovery is long and paved with difficulty, self-doubt, incessant cravings, and many times, relapse. The emotional and mental toll of recovery often feels like it’s not worth the effort, like the end does not justify the means at all. When one is addicted and then stops the drug abuse, the brain continues overproducing a neurotransmitters which cause withdrawal symptoms. This effect is quite heavy on the human brain. Every person’s withdrawal pattern is different and understanding this can go a long in helping a loved one on the path of recovery.


Old habits die hard

The first rule of drug and alcohol recovery? You only recover by creating a new life. This is true on all levels not just for drug abuse but for any kind of addiction as well. Creating a new life does not necessarily mean changing everything, just the factors that push someone to revert back to old habits and thought patterns. On the road to drug and alcohol recovery, the more you hold onto your old life the less well you will do. Old life includes people you used with or were related to your use, people you had conflict with, and places where you used or obtained the drugs from.

High-risk situations

Many situations are unavoidable but are still high-risk platforms for craving substance abuse or even relapsing. For example, natural situations like hunger, anger, fatigue or just feeling lonely. It’s been noted that the strongest cravings usually happen at the end of the day, why? Because, at the end of the day, you are tired from a long day of tough work. You are also hungry and probably angry because something didn’t go right. They cannot be avoided, but if you’re aware of them and how they affect you, then they cannot catch you unawares and the grip of addiction on you slowly loosens.



The reasons for abusing drugs are many but they all stem from three fundamental factors, escaping, relaxing, or rewarding. Everyone does these things but addicts don’t know how to without using drugs. Look for alternative methods of relieving tension. Relaxation is essential to drug and alcohol recovery and methods of relaxation vary from simple methods like walking to more structured ones like meditation. Getting healthy both in body and mind should also be a priority as this increases the energy and will power one needs. Attend support groups and 12 step meetings where people share the many ways they manage their drug and alcohol recovery process. If one is full of self-doubt, start every day with positive daily affirmations. They are important and they greatly influence how one acts and thinks. Addiction recovery involves a complete transformation of the body, mind, and spirit. It can be a way to look at life in a deeper and meaningful way. It can help you find inner peace and tranquility to a level that even sober people have not known.

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